Hello World!

Creative. Developer;

I focus on designing and building websites and other digital products. Want to contact me? Go ahead!

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Southeast Sports Promotion

Togheter with four other web dev students we created a socail web app to make more people join sportsclubs in Amsterdam Southeast.


Learn HTML Together

For the Real Time Web course I made a web application that allows users to learn HTML together by using a build in text editor and chat.


Mirabeau Smart Office

For this project I made an app that shows the rooms based on their occupation status, the amount of noise and the amount of light in the Mirabeau office.


// For more work check out my GitHub.


I am a 3rd year HBO student Communication and Multimedia Design at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. With a passion for media, I always try to further develop and improve myself in my profession.

class basPieren {

·· constructor() {

··· this.name = "Bas Pieren"

··· this.age = 23

··· this.focus = "Creative Developer"

·· }

·· workExperience() {

··· return {

···· "jun2016-jul2016": "Front-end Developer at Gemini Design"

··· }

·· }

·· education() {

··· return {

···· "2016-now": "HvA - Communication and Multimedia Design",

···· "2012-2016": "MediaCollege Amsterdam - Interactief Vormgeven",

···· "2009-2012": "Haarlem College - Grafimedia"

··· }

·· }

·· skills() {

··· return ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "Node.js", "UI Design"]

·· }


// Inspired by yasio.pl


You can find me on the following social channels:

Send me an emial